The INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF MIGRANTS AND ANTI-RACIST ORGANIZATIONS AND COLLECTIVES #PapersForAll demands immediate, permanent, and unconditional amnesty for all migrants and refugees at this time of a global pandemic and health emergency. Active in Europe, Latin America, the US and the UK – we are calling for everyone concerned with justice to join a Twitterstorm on Wednesday 27 May at 6pm to demand #PapersForAll. In the UK up to one million undocumented destitute migrants are at risk of contracting Covid-19 but also of starvation because of the crisis created by the pandemic. At the same time migrants have been more visible and valued than ever as essential workers — in hospitals, social care, food supply, agriculture, transport and other areas — keeping the society going. Over 17% of the social care work force and at least 40% of NHS workers in London are immigrants risking their lives to care for others. Many are the same Windrush and Commonwealth victims still fighting for their papers and compensation. And immigrant people are 63% of all those who have died within the medical profession. Over 75% of women seeking asylum and refugees are survivors of rape and other torture. Women, especially mothers, do the survival caring work that protects and holds together families and communities. As one woman asylum seeker said: “Women like me were destitute and in “quarantine” long before COVID . . . we want our papers, access to accommodation and healthcare and financial security. People back in our home countries are in lock down in even worse conditions eking out a living from hand to mouth without food or running water – never mind hand sanitizer.” (Rubie, All African Women’s Group). The current racist immigration bill under discussion will create more undocumented people and undermine people’s right to stay by removing free movement from all EU migrants. Public pressure has won some victories: • 75% of immigration detainees have been released, however, many have been forced into slum housing with little or no money to buy food and other essentials and where it is impossible to self-isolate or observe social distancing. • The ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ Policy has been ruled unlawful and free school meals for children re-instated • The surcharge non-EU NHS staff had to pay, on top of visa fees and taxes, was finally scrapped last week We draw strength from other countries. In Spain, pressure from 900 community organisations led to all detainees being released. In Italy migrant (mostly African) farm workers are courageously striking for fair pay and papers for all. In Portugal all immigrants and asylum seekers were granted residency and full citizens’ rights during the pandemic – we want this to be permanent and global! We have a right to be here in Britain and anywhere we want — to access health care and protection, and to reclaim the wealth that our work has created. Governments and corporations have looted our home countries, for centuries, and that theft continues today, causing war, starvation and ecological devastation. We call on all governments and international organisations to grant #PapersForAll #RegularizacionYa to asylum seekers, those in detention and all undocumented migrants. TAKE ACTION with the #PapersForAll Network to demand an immediate, permanent and unconditional amnesty for all migrants and refugees in this time of a global pandemic and health emergency. 1. Please sign and circulate our international statement https://papersforall.com/ 2. On Wednesday at 6pm (UK time) tweet @pritipatel @ukhomeoffice Example tweets: Immigrant people are essential workers risking their health to care for others yet are denied their rights. Grant #PapersForAll #RegularizacionYa Over a million people are undocumented in the UK and denied healthcare, housing and an income & at risk of Covid19. Grant #PapersForAll #RegularizacionYa Download and share the images here 3. Write to Home Secretary, Priti Patel – model letter here. (Please copy to asylumfromrape@womenagainstrape.net) 4. Sign the UK petition https://www.change.org/p/prime-minister-boris-johnson-and-an-taoiseach-leo-varadkar-access-to-healthcare-housing-and-food-for-all Please share this action with your networks! Contact: Global Women Against Deportations (a coalition of the All African Women’s Group, Legal Action for Women, Women Against Rape, Women of Colour/Global Women’s Strike) asylumfromrape@womenagainstrape.net +44 (0) 7456525227 Payday Men’s Networkpayday@paydaynet.org |