A victim of crime can get compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). WAR has won many cases over the years and campaigned for change.

Over the last few years, we have developed a network of survivors who are fighting for their compensation and want to campaign together.

Our campaign for fairer compensation spells out the main ways the CICA discriminates against victims of sexual violence. Some of our demands have been won, such as ending the ‘Same Roof Rule‘ (which had denied an award to victims abused by someone who lived under the Same Roof as their attacker before 1979).  People who applied before or were put off applying had until 13 June 2021 to reapply.

And there have been some improvements made to prevent the CICA ruling that underage victims had consented to sex when it was rape. But our fight goes on...

Kim Mitchell's ordeal: Read the article in full in the Independent dated 30 July 2018

We demand an end to discriminatory obstacles and rules:

  • Stop refusing compensation to victims who have criminal convictions. In the five years to 2020 criminal convictions deprived 895 sexual assault victims of any award.  Fill in this MOJ consultation about denying victims compensation if they have an unspent conviction before 5 August 2022.  SIGN THE PETITION, and circulate it widely. Let’s press the government to change the compensation policy on criminal convictions so victims get our rights.
  • Victims not co-operating with a prosecution must not be penalised. Victims are often persecuted by police and this causes them to withdraw after reporting. They must not be penalised, as it is often due to trauma, intimidation or hostility by their attacker or by police . . . It must be investigated so that women are not discouraged from applying, as is their right.
  • Police testimony is often valued over the victim’s, despite their well-documented prejudices like sexism, racism . . .
  • The amounts granted for rape and sexual abuse must be raised, we demand a higher value on sex crimes (eg the rape award is just £11,000, but this crime can injure your whole life).
  • Victims must not be re-traumatised in the application process. Decisions must be sped up. Hostile intimidating questions should not be asked at appeal hearings, often using outdated rape myths that blame victims for rape. It is outrageous that even those whose attacker was convicted can be invasively questioned by the CICA. Compensation is every victim’s right.
  • Make legal aid and other help available so victims can get help. It’s unfair that at appeal hearings we are unrepresented against a CICA lawyer, or if we get a lawyer they take up to 25% of our award.
  • The time limit to apply for compensation must be extended to five years (currently two years). Victims who delay reporting crimes to police late must not be penalised.

What you can do . . .

Sign Women Against Rape's petition via Change.org
Take a look at our recent Press Conference: Stop denying compensation to victims of sexual assault, 15 December, 2021
  • Fill in this MOJ consultation about denying victims compensation if they have an unspent conviction before 5 August. This is our chance to Stop them refusing compensation to victims who have criminal convictions. In the five years to 2020 criminal convictions deprived 895 sexual assault victims of any award.
  • SIGN THE PETITION, and circulate it widely. Let’s press the government to change the compensation policy on criminal convictions.
  • Share our campaign materials above.
  • Write to the media to expose the injustices against victims of sexual violence in the Compensation Scheme.
  • Contact us to get involved in the campaign and sign up for our mailing list.

Campaign victories, media, & what we’re fighting for:

Read more on Compensation

In the media: Survivors of childhood abuse campaign for compensation

By WomenAgainstRape | 1 September 2022

Survivors of childhood abuse campaign for compensation NADJA, by Leila Hawkins 15/07/2022 Read on NADJA site here People who have experienced childhood abuse in the UK are being denied compensation by a punitive law. Survivors are now campaigning to change this. When *Lucy was 11 years old her grandfather began sexually abusing her. For the …

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Open Letter for compensation to Secretary of Justice

By WomenAgainstRape | 15 March 2018

Open Letter for compensation to Secretary of Justice Rt Hon. David Gauke Secretary of State for Justice  6 June 2018 Dear David Gauke We collectively represent the experience and demands of thousands of survivors of rape, domestic violence and sex crimes suffered as children or adults. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme is discriminating against victims …

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Model letter to MPs re compensation – please use

By WomenAgainstRape | 30 November 2017

Please adjust accordingly and send this letter to your local MP (find your MP’s name and contact details here) [your address or email] Dear [insert full name of MP] As your constituent I urge you to take action to update the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme for victims of crime, in particular for victims of rape …

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A gay man describes how he won compensation for rape

By BWRAP | 22 December 2012

Asylum from Rape Bulletin Winter 2010

By BWRAP | 15 December 2010

Landmark compensation for torture victim and her family. A mother and her five children have won a precedent-setting, six figure compensation award from the Home Office for abuse and injuries sustained during deportation to Uganda in 2006. Ms A was supported throughout by WAR who found legal representation through Leigh Day & Co. solicitors. During …

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By WomenAgainstRape | 28 June 2008

Ms L wins £11,000 at Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority appeal A rape survivor who was unable to give a full statement to the police applied for compensation three years later, fought an initial refusal – and won! Facts Ms L was attacked in May 2001, by a stranger. She has no memory from the middle …

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Statement: on Violence Against Women at the UN CSW.

By WomenAgainstRape | 5 March 1998

Lisa Longstaff from Women Against Rape urges the governments of UN to take action. Outlining and proposing a proper standard of services and resources required to support all survivors of rape and sexual violence.

Prostitute wins compensation

By WomenAgainstRape | 19 March 1996

In the media: Who counts and who pays?

By WomenAgainstRape | 16 June 1995

Government attempts to cut compensation to victims of violence. As reported in the New Law Journal, the new system of fixed tariffs for specific injuries cuts victims’ money by £250million a year.

WAR press release: opposing government cuts to compensation scheme

By WomenAgainstRape | 15 May 1993

Press release on compensation: who counts and who pays?