All our campaigns grow out of the daily work we do with survivors. We campaign to improve the response of the criminal justice system to sexual and domestic violence. Justice is our right. Official acknowledgement of the crime, such as winning asylum, compensation or legal redress, is an important step towards healing. Contact us to see how you can get involved.

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Violent police

In 2021, Sarah Everard was raped and murdered by a police officer. There was an extraordinary outpouring about police violence against people with less power: women, people of colour, queer, people with disabilities…even from women officers and police wives/partners. Rape has been practically decriminalised. But police got sweeping new powers to arrest protesters in the Police Act. Read more >>>


Hundreds of victims of rape sexual assault are denied criminal injuries compensation because of minor convictions. 895 sexual assault victims were denied compensation because of unspent convictions (in the five years to 2020). Two-thirds were children when they were assaulted. Their crimes? Non-payment of a TV license, underage drinking or shoplifting. In 2021, the High Court ordered the government to review this rule. SIGN OUR PETITION – let’s make them do it! Read more >>>

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Asylum from Rape

70% of women asylum seekers are survivors of rape and/or domestic violence. We campaign for the rights of asylum seekers to safety and justice, and an end to deportation and destitution. Rape and torture are grounds for asylum and there must be an end to the sexism and racism women face when applying. Read more >>>

False Allegations

We’re calling for an end to the arrest and prosecution of women accused of lying about rape. There have been miscarriages of justice where a woman was wrongly accused of lying which we have challenged. We have stopped wrongful arrests. In one case a woman won compensation and the attacker was later prosecuted. Read more >>


Stop Taking Our Children

The most common reason children are removed from their mother by family courts is domestic abuse. She can be blamed for failing to protect a child, even though she was victim of that violence. The rights of fathers to child contact trumps consideration of safety and the child’s wishes. As a member of the Support Not Separation Coalition we campaign to end sexism and racism in family courts. Read more >>

Sexual Harassment at work

Violence at work is at last beginning to be tackled. We are campaigning together with the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (fast food and hospitality workers) to end vulnerability to sexual violence caused by abusive employers and poverty wages/zero-hour contracts, and benefit cuts. These make it much harder for women to speak out and get help. Read more >>

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