A Self Help Guide
This is a collective effort based on decades of experience of survivors and campaigners. It offers ways to tackle obstacles to justice you many face when reporting violence. Updated July 2021.
Click here to download the Self-Help Guide.
To order a paper copy, please send a cheque to 'Women Against Rape', PO Box 287, London NW6 5QU.
Prices: individuals £3; unfunded organisations £5; professionals or solidarity price £10. Free to women in prison.
Review of Justice is Your Right, by Frith Taylor
A Self Help Guide
Against detention & removal by Legal Action for Women: This new and updated step-by-step guide comes out of intensive work over many years with women (and some men) seeking asylum. BWRAP and WAR have contributed to the pool of practical knowledge which is an invaluable and essential tool for victims of rape and other torture. To order a paper copy please click here.
A Self Help Guide
This is a working draft by mothers, grandmothers, other primary carers and campaigners determined to stop children in their thousands being unjustly taken away from their families, and to stop violent fathers having unsupervised contact with children when the child doesn’t want it and/or the mother thinks it’s not safe. It is based on collective self-help which brings together our combined first-hand experience. We hope you find it useful and strengthening in your struggle to protect your children. We welcome comments and suggestions.
Your benefit rights — what you can do to defend your entitlements
The best-known advice agencies mainly tell people how to comply with the new rules. Most of them don’t give us the information we need to fight our cases. The information here comes from sharing our experiences with other grassroots groups, claimants, anti-poverty campaigners, single mums, tenants’ rights and disability campaigners, and lawyers bringing legal challenges.
See our COVID changes page for info on benefit assessments by telephone, benefit appeals held remotely, and more.