TEST: Submissions

Evidence to Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women

2 December 2014

Evidence to Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women  “In the 12 months to March 2013 there were about 10,000 recorded rapes of adults in England and Wales, and about 6,000 recorded rapes of children. “Only 1,820 (18%) of those recorded rape allegations led to a ‘sanction detection’ in which an offender was …

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Why Women Against Rape opposes prosecutions of women accused of making a false allegation

14 February 2011

Why we oppose prosecutions of women accused of making a false allegation False allegations for rape are extremely rare, yet they are treated as a major problem. This distracts from the true rape scandal that: 90% of rapes are never reported; up to 45% are no-crimed; the conviction rate for reported rape is 6.5 %. …

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Misjudging Rape – Breaching Gender Guidelines & International Law in Asylum Appeals

18 November 2006

RESEARCH: Misjudging Rape – Breaching Gender Guidelines & International Law in Asylum Appeals Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Women Against Rape’s research documents the discrimination and hostility women seeking asylum from rape face.  Over 70% of the women claiming asylum in the UK are rape survivors.  Many face severe obstacles at every stage of …

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Stop the Crime Bill

27 January 1997

Crime (Sentences) Bill 1997 – the implications for women. A Crime Bill is part of a law and order agenda which invokes victims rights and undermines civil rights. Alongside Legal Action for Women, we submitted a briefing to the House of Lords opposing to the Bill and highlighting the implications for female victims of rape.

Briefing: Crime (Sentences) Bill 1997 on its implications for Women

27 January 1997

Briefing by Women Against Rape and Legal Action for Women in the House of Lords. We argue that the Crime Bill is part of a law and order agenda which invoices victims’ rights and undermines civil rights.

Response to Law Commission Consultation: Consent in the Criminal Law

5 July 1994

Consent in criminal law regarding rape prosecution.  How the proposals laid out in the paper, will further undermine women.

WAR press release: opposing government cuts to compensation scheme

15 May 1993

Press release on compensation: who counts and who pays?

In the media: Women judge the courts

22 March 1991

New Law Journal: We demand more protection for wives Women against Rape delighted about the Appeal Court ruling however, they emphasise that the fundamental issue is consent.

In the media: The rapist who pays the rent

16 November 1990

In the media: The Rapist who pays the rent Women Against Rape react to the Law Commission’s recommendation that rape in marriage should be criminalised. New Law Journal outlines the story in November, 1990.

Book launch: The Rapist Who Pays The Rent – women’s case for changing the law on rape

8 June 1984

Book launch: The Rapist Who Pays The Rent – women’s case for changing the Law on Rape. This is the handbook of the movement to make rape in marriage a crime. It also describes how rape outside marriage is dealt with by police and courts, who often support and even encourage the rapist, whether he’s …

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