Terrific news – Brigitte Nongo-Wa-Kitwa’s daughters landed last Friday (11 May) at Heathrow after an exhausting 10 hour journey from Kinshasa. Brigitte and Cristel from Black Women’s Rape Action Project, who has worked with Brigitte at every stage of her case,
waited anxiously as the daughters were held for an extra hour after other passengers in immigration control.
Finally, the two young women came through the arrival doors and as they saw Brigitte they abandoned their luggage and rushed to wrap their arms around her for the first time in fourteen years! A luggage alert was only just avoided when her oldest daughter managed to scramble back into the “restricted area” and recover their baggage.
Brigitte and her daughters say a massive “merci beaucoup” to everyone who donated so generously and helped in other ways to make their reunion possible. They are now on the road to rebuilding new lives together. The photo attached also conveys this joy of this occasion.