From Ms PB who won £38 000 in compensation for unlawful detention, March 2008.
“I have been granted leave to remain in the UK. I can not express my appreciation to Women Against Rape who played a vital role to make this day come true.
They called me almost every week while I was in Yarl’s Wood IRC and gave me moral support and encouraged me to be strong. I remember how we spoke on the phone while I was being driven to the airport to be deported to my country. They said, a barrister had been sent to court to stop my removal. I was nonplussed to know that people were out there fighting for me. They struggled to get me one of the best existing solicitors. Victory became mine since she started to represent me. WAR also wrote a letter concerning the rape I suffered and why some women can not report rape early.
I owe my victory today to Women Against Rape. The self-help guide* they sent to the detention centre in Bedford was a vital tool to channel me to this stage. Once more , I say thank you all.”
* For Asylum Seekers and their Supporters: A Self-Help Guide against detention & deportation by Legal Action for Women, 2005
Landmark damages for rape survivor detained unlawfully including interview with BBC Radio 4
£38,000 for asylum seeker illegally detained in UK the Guardian 10 March 2008
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