Event: Protest outside the sentencing hearing of serial police rapist David Carrick

Event: Protest outside the sentencing hearing of serial police rapist David Carrick Stop police impunity. Stop arming police rapists, racists & murderers. Stop increasing the power of corrupt police forces over the public – NO Public Order Bill! When: 9am Monday 6 February 2023, Where: Join us outside Southwark Crown Court, 1 English Grounds, London SE1 …

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Statement: Only police committed to upholding higher standards can protect the public, starting with women

Open letter to Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley from Women Against Rape, 6 Feb 2023Police impunity must end. Only police committed to upholding higher standards can protect the public, starting with women.  On 6-7 February 2023, former police officer David Carrick is being sentenced, bringing to an end his long career as a serial rapist …

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Please send your views to MOJ consultation: Victims must not be denied compensation because they have a criminal conviction

MOJ consultation – Victims must not be denied compensation because we have a criminal conviction. Dear friends Ministry of Justice consultation on compensation  Please send your views urgently to this consultation – by 5 August 2022 deadline.  Victims of rape, sexual assault and other violent crimes must not de denied compensation because we have a criminal …

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Statement: Amnesty from deportation, access to health, housing and food

Amnesty from Deportation, Access to Health, Housing and Food SIGN THE PETITION HERE An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the UK and the Taoiseach of Ireland cc:   UK Home Secretary and UK Health Secretary, Irish Health Secretary and Irish Minister for Justice and Equality, All UK MPs, All Members of the Irish Parliament …

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