In the media: Guardian article quotes Women Against Rape

Ron Evans will be sentenced at the Old Bailey on Thursday. Killer known as ‘Clifton rapist’, 82, sexually assaulted woman after release. Ron Evans, who spent more than 50 years in prison, assaulted woman he befriended at drop-in centre after he was freed in 2018 A killer and rapist who spent more than half a century …

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In the media: London police officer sentenced to life for rape and sexual abuse.

Press: David Carrick had pleaded guilty to 49 crimes against 12 women in the latest case to cast a harsh spotlight on the Metropolitan Police.  Activists gathering for a protest outside Southwark Crown Court in London on Monday during the sentencing trial of David Carrick, a former police officer.Credit…Wiktor Szymanowicz/Anadolu Agency, via Getty Images New …

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Statement: Only police committed to upholding higher standards can protect the public, starting with women

Open letter to Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley from Women Against Rape, 6 Feb 2023Police impunity must end. Only police committed to upholding higher standards can protect the public, starting with women.  On 6-7 February 2023, former police officer David Carrick is being sentenced, bringing to an end his long career as a serial rapist …

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In the media: How police are failing to protect women

How UK police are failing to protect women NADJA newsletter asked WAR to write this article. To see it published on NADJA’s site click here 09/07/2022 Lisa Longstaff from Women Against Rape writes about how the UK police force is enabling an epidemic of violence against women.  In June a partially leaked report revealed that …

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In the media: ‘Empathy, compassion and conscientiousness must be valued in the Met Police’

‘Empathy, compassion and conscientiousness must be valued in the Met Police’ Hampstead Highgate Express OPINION View from the Street Published: 8:45 AM February 16, 2022 As Met Commissioner Cressida Dick departs, what standards must replace what has been discredited, in London and in forces across the country? Not only criminal behaviour by individual officers but policies …

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In the media: Time to clean up the police force

Time to clean up the police force Camden New Journal LETTERS 15 Oct 2021 ‘How can we expect convictions of violent men when police abusers protect other abusers inside and outside the force?’• AS Camden women’s organisations, we welcome the CNJ’s article and Comment on women’s safety. Since then national newspapers have criticised the institutional …

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In the media: Revealed – 315 officers domestic abuse

Revealed: 315 officers continued serving after Met dropped domestic abuse cases Josh Layton Monday 11 Oct 2021 3:32 pm Domestic abuse allegations have been made against hundreds of serving Metropolitan Police officers – with formal action taken in only a fraction of cases, figures show. More than 360 complaints were made against 326 police officers and Specials …

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Statement : Why women oppose the Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill

Why women oppose the Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill Women Against Rape & Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike We have been organising for decades for protection and justice from a pandemic of sexual and domestic violence against women and children, reinforced by policies of austerity that target us, undermining our financial independence and …

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Protest: Kill The Bill, 1 May

The Police Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is a major threat to all justice movements. The police don’t use the powers they have to properly investigate rape, domestic violence, racist attacks, and other violence we report. Worse, they abuse their powers: women police officers have joined the public outpouring on sexual abuse by male colleagues. …

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In the media: Police Bill – 5 years for rape, 10 for damaging a slaver statue

OPINION Police Bill: 5 years for rape, 10 for damaging a slaver statue Lisa Longstaff, Women Against Rape Women Against Rape, protesting in Parliament Square – Credit: Women Against Rape The strength of feeling provoked by Sarah Everard’s murder and the police response to women paying their respects remind us of the fury at the police killing of …

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