Evidence to the Home Office Consultation on Police strip search ofchildren from Women Against Rape and Women of Colour GWS

Evidence to the Home Office Consultation on Police strip search of children from Women Against Rape and Women of Colour GWS We call for an end to police strip searching of all children under the age of 18, in police custody or schools or anywhere else – it’s state child abuse. 1. Police should not …

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Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid

Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid Summary: The crisis in legal aid and its impact on some of the most vulnerable members of our society is not being monitored by government agencies responsible for providing effective access to justice. The results of the crisis, some of which we have described above, …

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In the media: Guardian article quotes Women Against Rape

Ron Evans will be sentenced at the Old Bailey on Thursday. Killer known as ‘Clifton rapist’, 82, sexually assaulted woman after release. Ron Evans, who spent more than 50 years in prison, assaulted woman he befriended at drop-in centre after he was freed in 2018 A killer and rapist who spent more than half a century …

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In the media: We ran for our lives, now the Home Office has the power of life or death over us

Excellent article published by Bail for Immigration Detainees “On International Women’s Day, a member of All African Women’s Group shares their exhausting battle to claim asylum & access legal advice in the UK – three months later she’s still struggling to find a lawyer.” Read it in full here by clicking on the image below.

In the media: ‘After I was sexually assaulted, the police let me down every step of the way’

Telegraph reports the story of Nadia Valeri. Cara McGoogan writes how, ‘In September 2020, the Met settled a civil claim with Valeri out of court and paid her £35,000 in compensation. The Met didn’t admit liability and rejected requests for a letter of apology, but it did say it would learn from Valeri’s case and …

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Press Release: Destitute mother and children win housing at last!

PRESS RELEASE: Destitute mother and children win housing at last! A mother with two children, who was evicted by Lewisham Council five weeks ago, at the height of the second wave of the pandemic and in freezing weather, has won a fight to claim asylum and be granted housing and assistance. Marian Okeibunor is a survivor of …

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In the media: High court rules in favour of rape victim who retracted accusation under duress

Woman known as Sarah has compensation increased after she made allegation against husband before changing her mind, under pressure from him. Lisa Longstaff from Women Against Rape (War), which made written submissions to the judge, said: “Sarah finally got some justice! CICA rules are applied in a sexist and uncompassionate way, and War is one …

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Misjudging Rape – Breaching Gender Guidelines & International Law in Asylum Appeals

RESEARCH: Misjudging Rape – Breaching Gender Guidelines & International Law in Asylum Appeals Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Women Against Rape’s research documents the discrimination and hostility women seeking asylum from rape face.  Over 70% of the women claiming asylum in the UK are rape survivors.  Many face severe obstacles at every stage of …

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Government says rape victims are “not vulnerable” to deny asylum seekers legal representation

Correspondence between government Minister David Lammy and Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Women Against Rape published in The Guardian Letters page Erosion of asylum rights Monday July 12, 2004, The Guardian, Letters Rape survivors are vulnerable and find it difficult, often impossible, to speak about the violence they have suffered. The law acknowledges this, …

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