Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid

Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid Summary: The crisis in legal aid and its impact on some of the most vulnerable members of our society is not being monitored by government agencies responsible for providing effective access to justice. The results of the crisis, some of which we have described above, …

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In the media: We ran for our lives, now the Home Office has the power of life or death over us

Excellent article published by Bail for Immigration Detainees “On International Women’s Day, a member of All African Women’s Group shares their exhausting battle to claim asylum & access legal advice in the UK – three months later she’s still struggling to find a lawyer.” Read it in full here by clicking on the image below.

Protest: Against CAFCASS and NSPCC participation in Families Need Fathers (FNF) conference, 14 Oct

Watch the video here: FNF replied saying that they are a “reputable charity” but did not address domestic violence or any of the other issues raised.  A FNF man confronted the picket saying that ‘more children are killed by their mothers than by their fathers’. To date we have received no reply to our …

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