Evidence to the Home Office Consultation on Police strip search ofchildren from Women Against Rape and Women of Colour GWS

Evidence to the Home Office Consultation on Police strip search of children from Women Against Rape and Women of Colour GWS We call for an end to police strip searching of all children under the age of 18, in police custody or schools or anywhere else – it’s state child abuse. 1. Police should not …

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UN Rapporteur submission: Evidence to Reem Alsalem on Violence Against Women

Evidence to Reem Alsalem UN Rapporteur on Violence Against Women & Girls In this paper we draw from our experiences as a grassroots organisation and from published facts and research. We focus on the following areas of interest outlined in the Rapporteur’s Call for Evidence: access to the law, and redress, legal protection that prevents perpetrators repeating …

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What OFSTED needs to know about CAFCASS

Submission from Support Not Separation, Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign & Women Against Rape to OFSTED re its inspection of CAFCASS. Together we have worked for decades with mothers fighting to keep their children (Legal Action for Women was founded in 1982). In the last 10 years a growing movement of mothers, especially single mothers, struggling …

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Submission to the Special Rapporteur – Custody cases, violence against women and violence against children

Issued jointly by Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, Support Not Separation and Women Against Rape, March 2024. We are very glad that the Special Rapporteur is carrying out this consultation. We have worked for many decades with mothers fighting to keep their children (Legal Action for Women was founded in 1982). In the last 10 years a growing …

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Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid

Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid Summary: The crisis in legal aid and its impact on some of the most vulnerable members of our society is not being monitored by government agencies responsible for providing effective access to justice. The results of the crisis, some of which we have described above, …

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Submission: Sentencing Council’s Consultation on Perverting the Course of Justice

Submission to Sentencing Council’s Consultation on Perverting the Course of Justice Guidelines 22 June 2022 Introduction WAR is a multiracial grassroots women’s organisation set up in 1976. It provides practical support to victims of all types of sexual and domestic violence, and it campaigns for changes in the systems of criminal justice, asylum and compensation. …

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Briefing: proposed amendments to reduce the devastating effect of the Nationality & Borders Bill on traumatised victims of rape and domestic violence

Briefing and proposed amendments to reduce the devastating effect of the Nationality & Borders Bill on traumatised victims of rape and domestic violence https://womenagainstrape.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/FaithFinal.mp4 Contact: asylumfromrape@womenagainstrape.net 020 7482 2496, @AgainstRape Introduction Women Against Rape (WAR) has been supporting women seeking asylum from rape for the last thirty years. Since 2002, WAR has worked closely with the …

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Protest: women oppose Police Crime Sentencing & Courts Bill

URGENT: women oppose Police Crime Sentencing & Courts Bill & Nationality & Borders Bill Update: National Day of Action Join WAR & Women of Colour GWS at the London protest against both the Police Bill and the Nationality & Borders Bill, meet 12 noon, Lincolns Inn Fields WC2A 3TL. Two planned protests have merged, check …

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Letter to women MPs – Up from Destitution

Letter to women MPs Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London, NW5 2DX T: 020 7482 2496 E: gwad@allwomencount.net Dear [women MPs], We write to tell you about our new report Up from Destitution and ask if you can support our demand for an end to the enforced destitution of asylum seekers. Up from Destitution …

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Evidence to Joint Committee on Human Rights on the Police, Crime, Courts & Sentencing Bill

Evidence to Joint Committee on Human Rights on the Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill Please see our answers below each of the Committee’s questions in its Terms of Reference, which are in italics Does the power to extract information from electronic devices set out in Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Bill comply …

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