In the media: ‘They’re taunting me’: Home Office asylum interviews are retraumatising rape survivors

“They’re taunting me”: Home Office asylum interviews are retraumatising rape survivors Lauren Crosby Medlicott, 31 May 2024 According to Emily Burnham, a casework coordinator in the asylum team at Women Against Rape, Home Office policy is meant to protect victims of rape and torture from re-traumatisation by allowing them to submit written evidence, such as …

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Briefing: proposed amendments to reduce the devastating effect of the Nationality & Borders Bill on traumatised victims of rape and domestic violence

Briefing and proposed amendments to reduce the devastating effect of the Nationality & Borders Bill on traumatised victims of rape and domestic violence Contact: 020 7482 2496, @AgainstRape Introduction Women Against Rape (WAR) has been supporting women seeking asylum from rape for the last thirty years. Since 2002, WAR has worked closely with the …

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Video: Media launch of our petition – Stop denying compensation to victims of sexual assault

Video: Press launch of our petition “Stop denying compensation to victims of sexual assault” Victims of rape and sexual assault are being denied compensation just because we have a minor criminal conviction. This outrageous discrimination has deprived 895 sexual assault victims of any award. SIGN THE PETITION, and circulate it widely.  Let’s press the government …

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Video of event: Between the devil and the deep blue sea

A lunchtime online Q&A webinar hosted by All African Women’s Group and Global Women Against Deportations at the Crossroads Women’s Centre. Filmed Tues 14 December 2021 All African Women’s Group and other organisations counter the lies this current government tells about immigrant people arriving in the UK, and spells out how we can come together …

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Video of event: Up from Destitution

Up from Destitution, a survey of women seeking asylum and making immigration applications in the UK. Nearly half of the women surveyed had no income at all and 60% are living on an income so low that they are officially destitute. Speakers from All African Women’s Group (AAWG) – a self-help group of women seeking …

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Video: Kill the Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill

Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill We are determined to stop this repressive and unwarranted Bill.  We will continue to and hold the police to account.  We demand protection and justice for anyone who’s suffered male violence – including by the police.  Please watch & share our video on social media. Please also share …

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Video: Domestic Abuse Bill in Parliament

See our latest short film: STOP the Family Courts aiding and abetting domestic abuse. Made by WAR & Support Not Separation. We are lobbying for the Domestic Abuse Bill to: recognise that domestic abuse victims are mostly women; provide vital resources so women and children can escape; extend all protections and resources to immigrant women …

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NEWS FLASH: Victory after living for 17 years in limbo!

NEWS FLASH: Victory after living for 17 years in limbo! Ms O from Cote D’Ivoire – announces today 3 March 2020 that she has finally won refugee status. Speaking at today’s self-help session (which BWRAP helps coordinate) Ms O described how the immigration judge at her appeal hearing intervened to stop the Home Office barrister …

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Event: Lisa Longstaff speaking at #FreetheTruth in defence of Julian Assange

Lisa Longstaff speaks for of Women Against Rape about the weaponising of sexual offenses allegations by governments intent on covering up their war crimes -including rape and torture. Full speech here with subtitles This was an incredibly moving meeting organised by Deepa Driver, with powerful inspiring speakers including Craig Murray, Fidel Narvaez, John Pilger, …

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