NEWS FLASH: Victory after living for 17 years in limbo!

Speaking at today's self-help session (which BWRAP helps coordinate) Ms O described how the immigration judge at her appeal hearing intervened to stop the Home Office barrister from putting intrusive and upsetting questions to her about her experiences.
One of the French-speaking sisters in the session translated for her - "I hardly knew what was happening in the hearing because when the Home Office started interrogating me I broke down with my hands in my head. The judge was so angry and told them to stop. Last week I got a call from my barrister who confirmed I can finally stay here - I'm so happy after living so many years destitute and suffering terrible things here in the UK too. I thank everyone for their support over all these years".
Ms O's victory is the latest in a series of fantastic successes at Appeal by women using our collective self-help support overturning racist and sexist decisions in the Home Office's hostile environment.
Come to the Crossroads Women's Centre International Women's Day event to find out more about our work and how you can get involved. . .