Evidence to the Home Office Consultation on Police strip search ofchildren from Women Against Rape and Women of Colour GWS

Evidence to the Home Office Consultation on Police strip search of children from Women Against Rape and Women of Colour GWS We call for an end to police strip searching of all children under the age of 18, in police custody or schools or anywhere else – it’s state child abuse. 1. Police should not …

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Video: Stop family courts aiding & abetting domestic abuse

See our latest short film made by WAR & Support Not Separation. Amend #DABill. As a member of the Support Not Separation Coalition we are lobbying for the Bill to prevent family courts enabling violent fathers to abuse mothers and children.  See our latest Briefing to the Lords Read more from Support Not Separation Coalition

Letter to MOJ: Government review into domestic abuse and family courts

Paul Maynard MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary (Ministry of Justice) c/o office@paulmaynard.co.uk 28 May 2019 Dear Paul Maynard, We write regarding the government review on “how the family courts protect children and parents in cases of domestic abuse and other serious offences” called in response to the investigation by Victoria Derbyshire and the letter from over …

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In the media: Complaints over police handling of sex attacks and domestic violence soars

See quote from WAR below. Revelations prompt warnings that forces are failing the most vulnerable victims, with campaigners saying police response is ‘matter of life and death’ • Harriet Agerholm The Independent • @HarrietAgerholm • 17 February 2018 Domestic abuse accounts for eight per cent of all recorded crime The number of complaints received by …

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Protest: Against CAFCASS and NSPCC participation in Families Need Fathers (FNF) conference, 14 Oct

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg9qABVVtOY FNF replied saying that they are a “reputable charity” but did not address domestic violence or any of the other issues raised.  A FNF man confronted the picket saying that ‘more children are killed by their mothers than by their fathers’. To date we have received no reply to our …

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In the media: The benefit cap is supporting state child abuse

The benefit cap is supporting state child abuse See WAR’s article by Lisa Longstaff The Guardian, Jan 2014, which connects benefit cuts with domestic violence and the state taking children from mothers. As a family brings a legal challenge to the £500 limit, the treatment of mothers in violent relationships is brought into sharp relief.

Press release: protest rape and racism

Press release: protest rape and racism Old Bailey, London, 26 June 2013, 10-12 noon Sentencing of the Oxford rapists Women protest both rape and racism. Police and social workers also trashed victims – will they be prosecuted? Seven men will be sentenced for 43 offences – ranging from rape and conspiracy to rape to supplying …

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Statement: Savile, Rochdale, Wales, Jersey . . . Justice this time? Or more ‘lessons’ in how to get away with rape?

Savile, Rochdale, Wales, Jersey . . . Justice this time? Or more ‘lessons’ in how to get away with rape? 14 December 2012 Complicity followed by incompetence in the Savile case landed the BBC in deep waters, to the delight of those who wish to undermine public broadcasting and to the chagrin of the taxpayer …

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