In the media: Cost of living crisis could be ‘catastrophic’ for domestic abuse survivors

Experts say surging costs may offer perpetrators an excuse to control the household’s finances – depriving survivors of the means to escape. 170 pairs of shoes are laid out to represent the number of people killed due to domestic violence in the UK every year Before she broke up with her partner, Rachel* had savings …

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In the media: The benefit cap is supporting state child abuse

The benefit cap is supporting state child abuse See WAR’s article by Lisa Longstaff The Guardian, Jan 2014, which connects benefit cuts with domestic violence and the state taking children from mothers. As a family brings a legal challenge to the £500 limit, the treatment of mothers in violent relationships is brought into sharp relief.

Against our selves: why Women Against Rape couldn’t join a march through Soho.

Against ourselves: Why Women Against Rape couldn’t join a march through Soho… Whose Night? Women Against Rape, the English Collective of Prostitutes and the Wages for Housework Campaign were unable to take part in the Nation Union of Student’s Reclaim the Night march in February 1981 and were forced to leave a planning meeting for …

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