english collective of prostitutes
In the media: Claire Glasman on the multiple discriminations many rape survivors face
Article in Telepathy newsletter – outlining the support provided by WAR for survivors of rape. And examples of some of the legal cases we have worked on with women…
Defining consent
Our opposition to the Law Commissions proposals on consent in rape law outlined in the New Law Journal, June 1997.
In the media: The Guilty Victim, Rape and the CPS
Two prostitute women set legal precedent by bringing and winning prosecution for rape. As reported in the Socialist Lawyer in 1995, after the CPS originally dropped the case, Christopher Davies was finally found guilty of raping and assaulting the two women.
Press release: Highlighting the vulnerability that prostitute women and wives share.
Press release: highlighting the vulnerability that prostitute women and wives share On Thursday 21 December, St Albans Crown Court will sentence Victor Powell, found guilty of abducting and raping a prostitute woman. The English Collective of Prostitutes and Women Against Rape will hold a vigil outside the court, together with and in support of Powell’s …
Against our selves: why Women Against Rape couldn’t join a march through Soho.
Against ourselves: Why Women Against Rape couldn’t join a march through Soho… Whose Night? Women Against Rape, the English Collective of Prostitutes and the Wages for Housework Campaign were unable to take part in the Nation Union of Student’s Reclaim the Night march in February 1981 and were forced to leave a planning meeting for …