Sexual History sexism still part of new rape law
The defence should not able to question victims on their sexual history…
The defence should not able to question victims on their sexual history…
New Law Journal: why there should be a ban of the use of evidence on a women’s sexual history Parliament should stop endorsing judges’ sexism which exposes victims to questions about sex with men other than the defendant – and understand that this kind of action is, in fact, a second rape.
He’s the rapist, she’s the victim. Bella article asks the question – So how come every little detail about her lifestyle is used to make the women look like the criminal??
Should parliament prevent a victim’s sexual history being raised in court? An article in the Times argues the case for a change in priorities at every stage of the criminal justice process regarding the rape and sexual assault of women.
Making WAR on rape Rape in Marriage should be made a crime. That is the provisional recommendation of the Criminal Law Revision Committee, and is something which Women Against Rape have been campaigning about for more than five years…
Women against rape: An introduction and statement of aims. More than ever before the front pages of our newspapers are reporting cases of rape. Married or single, young, old or still a child, whatever her race or class – every women knows it could happen to her….