In the media: Survivors of childhood abuse campaign for compensation

Survivors of childhood abuse campaign for compensation NADJA, by Leila Hawkins 15/07/2022 Read on NADJA site here People who have experienced childhood abuse in the UK are being denied compensation by a punitive law. Survivors are now campaigning to change this. When *Lucy was 11 years old her grandfather began sexually abusing her. For the …

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Open Letter for compensation to Secretary of Justice

Open Letter for compensation to Secretary of Justice Rt Hon. David Gauke Secretary of State for Justice  6 June 2018 Dear David Gauke We collectively represent the experience and demands of thousands of survivors of rape, domestic violence and sex crimes suffered as children or adults. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme is discriminating against victims …

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Asylum from Rape Bulletin Winter 2010

Landmark compensation for torture victim and her family. A mother and her five children have won a precedent-setting, six figure compensation award from the Home Office for abuse and injuries sustained during deportation to Uganda in 2006. Ms A was supported throughout by WAR who found legal representation through Leigh Day & Co. solicitors. During …

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Ms L wins £11,000 at Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority appeal

Ms L wins £11,000 at Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority appeal A rape survivor who was unable to give a full statement to the police applied for compensation three years later, fought an initial refusal – and won! Facts Ms L was attacked in May 2001, by a stranger. She has no memory from the middle …

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