UN Rapporteur submission: Evidence to Reem Alsalem on Violence Against Women

Evidence to Reem Alsalem UN Rapporteur on Violence Against Women & Girls In this paper we draw from our experiences as a grassroots organisation and from published facts and research. We focus on the following areas of interest outlined in the Rapporteur’s Call for Evidence: access to the law, and redress, legal protection that prevents perpetrators repeating …

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What OFSTED needs to know about CAFCASS

Submission from Support Not Separation, Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign & Women Against Rape to OFSTED re its inspection of CAFCASS. Together we have worked for decades with mothers fighting to keep their children (Legal Action for Women was founded in 1982). In the last 10 years a growing movement of mothers, especially single mothers, struggling …

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Submission to the Special Rapporteur – Custody cases, violence against women and violence against children

Issued jointly by Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, Support Not Separation and Women Against Rape, March 2024. We are very glad that the Special Rapporteur is carrying out this consultation. We have worked for many decades with mothers fighting to keep their children (Legal Action for Women was founded in 1982). In the last 10 years a growing …

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Protest: Against CAFCASS and NSPCC participation in Families Need Fathers (FNF) conference, 14 Oct

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg9qABVVtOY FNF replied saying that they are a “reputable charity” but did not address domestic violence or any of the other issues raised.  A FNF man confronted the picket saying that ‘more children are killed by their mothers than by their fathers’. To date we have received no reply to our …

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Open Letter: to CAFCASS & NSPCC re your participation in a conference run by Families Need Fathers 14 Oct

We understand that you are speaking at this FNF conference on parental alienation. You must be aware that FNF have consistently attacked women. Must we refresh your memory? As long ago as 1994, during a debate on the Child Support Agency, MP Glenda Jackson reported in Parliament that FNF advised fathers who were not allowed access to their …

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