Statement: Rape victims won vs Theresa May and police, Supreme Court

UPDATE: The Supreme Court upheld the women’s claim – a significant victory for all rape survivors! Today 21 February, the Supreme Court will give the verdict on a police appeal to overturn a high court decision which protects rape victims.  This shameful appeal was backed by Prime Minister Theresa May. Biased and negligent police investigations …

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Stop the Crime Bill

Crime (Sentences) Bill 1997 - the implications for women. A Crime Bill is part of a law and order agenda which invokes victims rights and undermines civil rights. Alongside Legal Action for Women, we submitted a briefing to the House of Lords opposing to the Bill and highlighting the implications for female victims of rape.

1997_Crime Sentences Bill
1997_Crime Sentences Bill2

Book launch: The Rapist Who Pays The Rent – women’s case for changing the law on rape

Book launch: The Rapist Who Pays The Rent – women’s case for changing the Law on Rape. This is the handbook of the movement to make rape in marriage a crime. It also describes how rape outside marriage is dealt with by police and courts, who often support and even encourage the rapist, whether he’s …

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Parliament considers: Rape in Marriage. A Public Meeting

Parliament considers Rape in Marriage, WAR public meeting “Most people agree that marriage should be an equal relationship. How can there be equality when one partner is legally entitled to rape the other? Instead the law says that in marriage, the man is the boss and the women is his property.”

Statement: Against the rape of children at home and in care

Against the rape of children: at home and in care. The rape of children is common, but hidden. Often young girls and boys in dependent situations, are forced to hide what is happening and submit again and again.