Women’s group urges Parliament to reject ‘misogynistic’ MP’s amendments to Domestic Abuse Bill

Morning Star, 9 June 2020 Lamiat Sabin A WOMEN’S rights group called on Parliament today to reject “wrecking amendments” to the Domestic Abuse Bill proposed by Tory MP Philip Davies, who they say has a “misogynistic” record. The Shipley MP has said that attempts to use a child as a “weapon” by keeping them away …

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Press Release: Domestic Abuse Bill must go further and ensure family courts protect victims not perpetrators

The Domestic Abuse Bill is now going through Committee stage in parliament when amendments are considered.  Some of its measures are welcome, but it must go further to stop violent fathers using the family courts to continue their reign of terror against women and children and avoid prosecution.  The Bill must: End the legal presumption …

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Letter to MOJ: Government review into domestic abuse and family courts

Paul Maynard MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary (Ministry of Justice) c/o office@paulmaynard.co.uk 28 May 2019 Dear Paul Maynard, We write regarding the government review on “how the family courts protect children and parents in cases of domestic abuse and other serious offences” called in response to the investigation by Victoria Derbyshire and the letter from over …

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