Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid

Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid Summary: The crisis in legal aid and its impact on some of the most vulnerable members of our society is not being monitored by government agencies responsible for providing effective access to justice. The results of the crisis, some of which we have described above, …

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Report: Louder Than Words

Report: Women’s Hunger Strike – Louder than Words When 70 women went on hunger strike in Yarl’s Wood IRC on 5 February, an unprecedented level of media coverage followed. Rape survivors, mothers separated from their children, and other vulnerable women, some of whom had been detained without trial for months (one for over a year), …

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Janipher Maseko fled Uganda after her mother died and she was raped by armed rebels.

She was 13 when she arrived in the UK. She was looking for a place of safety. This is what she found The Guardian, Saturday 24 November 2007 I came to this country five years ago, a desperate young teenager, alone, in search of help and safety. The last thing I expected was that I …

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