Event: ‘Shut Manston Down’ – Groups demand closure of camp

‘SHUT MANSTON DOWN’: GROUPS DEMAND END TO DETENTION CAMP Dear friends, Please see the important press release below from Action Against Detention & Deportations. We are part of this coalition which helped expose the conditions that children, women and men are enduring in Manston detention camp. We would be glad for your help in circulating the …

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Statement: Amnesty from deportation, access to health, housing and food

Amnesty from Deportation, Access to Health, Housing and Food SIGN THE PETITION HERE An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the UK and the Taoiseach of Ireland cc:   UK Home Secretary and UK Health Secretary, Irish Health Secretary and Irish Minister for Justice and Equality, All UK MPs, All Members of the Irish Parliament …

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Press release: Women on hunger strike in Yarl’s Wood – ‘Release us and close this place down’

Women on hunger strike in Yarl’s Wood – “Release us and close this place down.” For IMMEDIATE RELEASE Over 40 women in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre have gone on hunger strike protesting against a charter flight (Tues 27 Nov) that will take traumatised women back to Nigeria.  Women from many different countries including, Bolivia, …

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Asylum from Rape Bulletin: Summer 2008

Women reunited with their children 5 March was one of the happiest occasions of this past year for many of us.  Betty A, a longstanding and much loved volunteer was reunited with the four children whom she was forced to leave behind when she fled Uganda.  The full and heart-rending story is still to be told …

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Janipher Maseko fled Uganda after her mother died and she was raped by armed rebels.

She was 13 when she arrived in the UK. She was looking for a place of safety. This is what she found The Guardian, Saturday 24 November 2007 I came to this country five years ago, a desperate young teenager, alone, in search of help and safety. The last thing I expected was that I …

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