In the media: ‘Women will live in fear until we see changes’

‘Women will live in fear until we see changes’ 18 March 2021 PAIN and anger in the wake of Sarah Everard’s killing must lead to ­permanent changes in the UK and a strengthening of laws to make women feel safer, campaigners demanded this week. In the days since the 33-year-old’s remains were found in Kent …

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In the media: Mum whose daughter’s rapist remains free says ‘nothing has changed’ 16 years on

Mum whose daughter’s rapist remains free says ‘nothing has changed’ 16 years A mother whose daughter was raped at the age of 15 has said ‘nothing has changed’ in more than a decade since the attacker escaped justice. Sally Freeman said that ‘if anything, things are worse’ for women and girls because of the low …

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In the media: Women’s safety must be prioritised – right now, it’s not

Women’s safety must be prioritised – right now, it’s not Women Against Rape, protesting in Parliament Square – Credit: Women Against Rape It was inevitably crowded in front of Scotland Yard on Mother’s Day as hundreds of women and men gathered to express their distress at the murder of Sarah Everard, and our outrage at …

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In the media: Police response to women’s outcry at Sarah Everard’s murder discredits Bill to increase police powers

Police response to women’s outcry at Sarah Everard’s murder discredits Bill to increase police powers We are shocked but not surprised at the police response to women’s distress and fury at the murder of Sarah Everard.  When thousands of women took to social media, Met chief Cressida Dick said not to worry because such murders …

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The Leveller: Making WAR on rape

Making WAR on rape Rape in Marriage should be made a crime. That is the provisional recommendation of the Criminal Law Revision Committee, and is something which Women Against Rape have been campaigning about for more than five years…