Action Alert: Oppose the ‘New Immigration’ Plan

30 April 2021

Proposals in the New Immigration Plan are now being put forward as legislation in the Nationality and Borders Bill currently making its way through parliament. The government’s New Immigration Plan introduces a two-tier system so that anyone entering the UK by a so-called illegal route will no longer be entitled to full refugee status. Instead, …

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Press Release: Destitute mother and children win housing at last!

23 February 2021

PRESS RELEASE: Destitute mother and children win housing at last! A mother with two children, who was evicted by Lewisham Council five weeks ago, at the height of the second wave of the pandemic and in freezing weather, has won a fight to claim asylum and be granted housing and assistance. Marian Okeibunor is a survivor of …

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Update: Mum & her children still homeless

16 February 2021

UPDATE: Mum & her Children Still Homeless Marian Okeibunor is a rape survivor and mother of two young children. On 14 January 2020 she and her children were evicted by Lewisham Council and are now homeless and destitute. Ms Okeibunor is a member of the All African Women’s Group (AAWG) and is being supported by …

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In the media: No expansion of Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre

22 January 2021

NO Expansion of Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre “We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Deaths are rising in detention centres, prisons & overcrowded hostels which were dangerous places even before COVID – they should be closed not expanded.  Everyone should be housed safely regardless of immigration status and all deportations suspended for the public good.”

Action alert: Demand emergency housing and support for rape survivor with two young children

21 January 2021

See latest UPDATE – 29 January 21 Marian Okeibunor is a rape survivor and mother of two young children. Until last week she was housed by social services in Lewisham. She and her family were cruelly evicted and are now homeless and destitute. Name: Marian Okeibunor Home Office reference number: ABS/5925291 ►Email: Home Secretary, Priti …

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Living under “lockdown” – Gloria, All African Women’s Group

2 June 2020

Living under “lockdown” – Gloria, All African Women’s Group I’ve been in the UK since 2002.  I was forced to leave [Uganda] because I feared for my life.  I was married to an extremely violent, controlling and powerful man who was able to abuse me and get away with it as he had many friends …

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Model letter to UK Home Secretary, Priti Patel MP

26 May 2020

Please add some information about yourself and the reason you are writing. Rt. Hon Priti Patel MPHome Office2 Marsham StreetLondon, SW1P 4DF Email: Dear Ms Patel, I am writing to demand that you grant immediate, permanent and unconditional amnesty for all migrants and refugees currently living in the UK. This pandemic has shown how dependent …

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Statement: Amnesty from deportation, access to health, housing and food

7 April 2020

Amnesty from Deportation, Access to Health, Housing and Food An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the UK and the Taoiseach of Ireland cc:   UK Home Secretary and UK Health Secretary, Irish Health Secretary and Irish Minister for Justice and Equality, All UK MPs, All Members of the Irish Parliament (the Oireachtas), All Leaders …

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NEWS FLASH: Victory after living for 17 years in limbo!

3 March 2020

NEWS FLASH: Victory after living for 17 years in limbo! Ms O from Cote D’Ivoire – announces today 3 March 2020 that she has finally won refugee status. Speaking at today’s self-help session (which BWRAP helps coordinate) Ms O described how the immigration judge at her appeal hearing intervened to stop the Home Office barrister …

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Urgent Christmas appeal for destitute women and children

14 November 2019

Urgent Christmas appeal for destitute women and children Dear Friends, As Christmas and the school holidays are almost here, we write to ask again if you could kindly donate to our annual Christmas appeal for destitute women and children in the All African Women’s Group (AAWG) — the self-help group of women asylum seekers based with …

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