Briefing 1: Domestic Abuse Bill does not go far enough:

Women and children are entitled to resources and to family courts that support victims not violent men. The Domestic Abuse Bill is in Committee from Thursday 4 June, where they will discuss amendments.  We are urging MPs to give women and children more protection. The Bill must go further in three key areas: 1.     It …

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Model letter to MPs on the Domestic Abuse Bill Committee

Find out if your MP is a member of the committee below. Dear [INSERT the name of your MP] I am one of your constituents and am very concerned about the Domestic Abuse Bill now in Committee. I have personal experience of the sexism in the family courts.  I was a victim of abuse by …

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Domestic Abuse Bill in Parliament today

MUST PROTECT MOTHERS and TACKLE WOMEN’S POVERTY The Domestic Abuse Bill is debated in Parliament again today – it must help protect women’s and children’s lives.   The Bill introduces new Domestic Abuse Protection Orders, which should offer more protection in an emergency.  But it must go further to tackle women’s poverty and the appalling …

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In the media: In our secret family courts, judges still don’t understand what rape means

Louise Tickle The Guardian 5 January 2020 It’s a scandal. Away from scrutiny, courtrooms are failing mothers by not taking evidence of sexual assault seriously When is rape, you know, real, proper rape? Shockingly, in our family courts, it seems it’s only when you put up a fight and have the injuries to show for it. …

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Letter to MOJ: Government review into domestic abuse and family courts

Paul Maynard MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary (Ministry of Justice) c/o 28 May 2019 Dear Paul Maynard, We write regarding the government review on “how the family courts protect children and parents in cases of domestic abuse and other serious offences” called in response to the investigation by Victoria Derbyshire and the letter from over …

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Letter to BBC Woman’s Hour: parental alienation interview, 26 April 2019

Letter to Woman’s Hour: parental alienation interview, 26 April 201 30 April 2019 Dear Woman’s Hour We object in the strongest possible terms to Woman’s Hour’s sexist broadcast on 26 April about ‘parental alienation’. Woman’s Hour’s website says it is ‘the programme that offers a female perspective of the world’. This interview offered the perspective …

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In the media: London women tell UN poverty envoy about impact of welfare cuts

London women tell UN poverty envoy about impact of welfare cuts Residents of deprived Newham describe domestic abuse and hunger to Philip Alston Women in London have told the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty they are bearing the brunt of government welfare cuts, and described how austerity has left infants homeless and exacerbated problems …

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