In the media: The Rohingya women traumatised by mass rape

by Cristel Amiss of Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Lisa Longstaff of Women Against Rape. Published 17 March 2018 in Morning Star (see A new report, Rape by Command published by Kaladan Press Network, documents mass violence against women and girls by the Myanmar military, in its 2017 purge of Rohingya people across …

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Statement: Justice and protection for Rohingya women and girls – in support of call for Unilever to disinvest from Myanmar

International Women’s Day, 8 March 2017, London Statement by Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Women Against Rape We strongly condemn the ethnic cleansing, widespread torture, killings and   systematic rape and sexual torture of women and girls by the Myanmar Army, as part of its genocide against the Rohingya people. A report, Rape by Command, …

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