Asylum from Rape Bulletin Spring 2009
Winning compensation for unlawful detention of rape survivor. Listen to Ms PB being interview on Radio 4’s “PM” program in December 2008 here. Read about her fight against the racist attacks here which she and other women suffered in a Liverpool Hostel. You may have heard about the case of Ms PB who was recently …
I’m a rape survivor from Rwanda
Rape survivor from Rwanda in brave fight to help others 21 May 2009 Stella Mpaka, of Women Against Rape, is now helping others to overcome their personal nightmares. Your article (Camden group’s battle to prioritise a heinous crime, H&H April 2) showed some of Women Against Rape’s (WAR) ground breaking work winning justice for rape …
Women inside Yarl’s Wood IRC demand an end to brutal treatment by Serco, 8 May 2008
Women inside Yarl’s Wood IRC demand an end to brutal treatment by Serco DEMANDS FOLLOWING SERCO’S INVITATION TO VISIT YARL’S WOOD REMOVAL CENTRE ISSUED AT THEIR AGM, 13 May 2008 1. Many women in detention have suffered rape and other torture. According to the Immigration Services Operational Manual (Third EDN) if someone reports being a …
Asylum From Rape Bulletin – Summer 2007
Misjudging Asylum, Rape and Detention – 17 July 2007 John Mc Donnell MP and Lord Avebury hosted a packed meeting in the House of Commons which brought together women asylum seekers, MPs, Lords, lawyers, community and breastfeeding activists and other supporters to highlight the obstacles rape survivors face in getting their claims recognized. WAR’s speaker …
Asylum From Rape Bulletin October/November 2006
Asylum From Rape Bulletin October/November 2006
‘Don’t you want to know why I’m bleeding?’
‘Don’t you want to know why I’m bleeding?’ An assault by a white neighbour on a Muslim woman in London has shown just how difficult it can be for victims of alleged racist attacks to prise open the doors of justice. Laura Smith reports Bilan Mohamud shows the injuries inflicted on her by a neighbour …
To Women Legislators of the Coalition of the Willing: Neither blood nor rape for oil
To Women Legislators of the Coalition of the Willing: Neither blood nor rape for oil 12 May 2004 Coming clean on rape and other sexual torture of women and girls at the hands of US and UK armed forces or their agents in Iraq and Afghanistan By Black Women’s Rape Action Project and Women Against …
In the media: Women say CPS fails to prosecute most rape cases.
Protest groups present dossier of alleged attacks that have never gone to court.