Letter to women MPs – Up from Destitution

Letter to women MPs Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London, NW5 2DX T: 020 7482 2496 E: gwad@allwomencount.net Dear [women MPs], We write to tell you about our new report Up from Destitution and ask if you can support our demand for an end to the enforced destitution of asylum seekers. Up from Destitution …

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Press Release: Women win asylum & family reunion

PRESS RELEASE: Women win asylum & family reunion Three women from the All African Women’s Group (AAWG), a self-help group of asylum seekers and refugees based at the Crossroads Women’s Centre in Camden/London, have won significant victories in the last couple of months. Two women won the right to stay in the UK and one, …

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In the media: Rallying Against the Police Bill

Morning Star 22 Sept 2021 Rallying Against the Police Bill Women and allies are joining a movement that’s coming together across Britain to opose the government’s onslaught of harmful legislation, say SARA CALLAWAY and LISA LONGSTAFF AS THE Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill was debated in the Lords last week, women held a lively …

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Report: Up from Destitution

UP FROM DESTITUTION WOMEN AND OUR CHILDREN ESCAPING PERSECUTION, WAR & ECOLOGICAL DEVASTATION HAVE A RIGHT TO ASYLUM AND SUPPORT Up from Destitution, a survey of women seeking asylum and making immigration applications in the UK, has found that 60% of participants are living on an income so low that they are classified as officially …

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Action Alert: Oppose the Nationality and Borders Bill

The Nationality & Borders Bill introduces a two-tier system so that anyone entering the UK by a so-called illegal route will no longer be entitled to full refugee status. Instead, you will only get “temporary protection status” lasting no longer than 30 months. You will have limited access to benefits and family reunion, and could …

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In the media: Crissie Amiss TV interview – Abolish detention, no to Hassockfield

Abolish Detention – No to Hassockfield https://womenagainstrape.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ConRT_1.mp4 Cristel Amiss, Global Women Against Deportations – part of the grassroots campaign calling for an end to building Hassockfield – a new detention Centre for women – planned by the Home Secretary.  “The systematic racist and sexist abuse that is detention and deportation must end – many more …

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Evidence to Joint Committee on Human Rights on the Police, Crime, Courts & Sentencing Bill

Evidence to Joint Committee on Human Rights on the Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill Please see our answers below each of the Committee’s questions in its Terms of Reference, which are in italics Does the power to extract information from electronic devices set out in Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Bill comply …

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