Action alert: Demand emergency housing and support for rape survivor with two young children

See latest UPDATE – 29 January 21 Marian Okeibunor is a rape survivor and mother of two young children. Until last week she was housed by social services in Lewisham. She and her family were cruelly evicted and are now homeless and destitute. Please write to demand that Marian Okeibunor is given immediate housing and support. …

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Model letter to UK Home Secretary, Priti Patel MP

Please add some information about yourself and the reason you are writing. Rt. Hon Priti Patel MPHome Office2 Marsham StreetLondon, SW1P 4DF Email: Dear Ms Patel, I am writing to demand that you grant immediate, permanent and unconditional amnesty for all migrants and refugees currently living in the UK. This pandemic has shown how dependent …

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Statement: Amnesty from deportation, access to health, housing and food

Amnesty from Deportation, Access to Health, Housing and Food SIGN THE PETITION HERE An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the UK and the Taoiseach of Ireland cc:   UK Home Secretary and UK Health Secretary, Irish Health Secretary and Irish Minister for Justice and Equality, All UK MPs, All Members of the Irish Parliament …

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NEWS FLASH: Victory after living for 17 years in limbo!

NEWS FLASH: Victory after living for 17 years in limbo! Ms O from Cote D’Ivoire – announces today 3 March 2020 that she has finally won refugee status. Speaking at today’s self-help session (which BWRAP helps coordinate) Ms O described how the immigration judge at her appeal hearing intervened to stop the Home Office barrister …

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Urgent Christmas appeal for destitute women and children

Urgent Christmas appeal for destitute women and children Dear Friends, As Christmas and the school holidays are almost here, we write to ask again if you could kindly donate to our annual Christmas appeal for destitute women and children in the All African Women’s Group (AAWG) — the self-help group of women asylum seekers based with …

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In the media: London women tell UN poverty envoy about impact of welfare cuts

London women tell UN poverty envoy about impact of welfare cuts Residents of deprived Newham describe domestic abuse and hunger to Philip Alston Women in London have told the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty they are bearing the brunt of government welfare cuts, and described how austerity has left infants homeless and exacerbated problems …

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Brigitte’s daughters arrived safely

Terrific news – Brigitte Nongo-Wa-Kitwa’s daughters landed last Friday (11 May) at Heathrow after an exhausting 10 hour journey from Kinshasa. Brigitte and Cristel from Black Women’s Rape Action Project, who has worked with Brigitte at every stage of her case, waited anxiously as the daughters were held for an extra hour after other passengers …

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Fantastic news: single donation of £1000 received for Brigitte & her daughters!!!

Brigitte’s pro-bono legal team at Kingsley Napley have just announced that they will cover the full cost of her daughters air fares!  Brigitte is overwhelmed by the kindness and the generosity, not only of her solicitors, but of everyone who has been moved to make immediate donations.  A further £172 has been received so far.  …

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