Asylum from Rape Bulletin: Summer 2008

Women reunited with their children 5 March was one of the happiest occasions of this past year for many of us.  Betty A, a longstanding and much loved volunteer was reunited with the four children whom she was forced to leave behind when she fled Uganda.  The full and heart-rending story is still to be told …

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Asylum From Rape Bulletin – Summer 2007

Misjudging Asylum, Rape and Detention – 17 July 2007 John Mc Donnell MP and Lord Avebury hosted a packed meeting in the House of Commons which brought together women asylum seekers, MPs, Lords, lawyers, community and breastfeeding activists and other supporters to highlight the obstacles rape survivors face in getting their claims recognized. WAR’s speaker …

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Stop the threatened removal of Janipher Maseko, breastfeeding mother with two babies

Update: Following a wave of public outrage against the Home Office, social services and SERCO Ms Janipher Maseko, was told that she and her children are to be released. Ms Janipher Maseko, aged 18, who had fled rape and violence in Uganda and sought asylum in the UK four years ago as an unaccompanied minor, …

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Women in Yarl’s Wood Removal Centre on hunger strike protesting against SERCO’s draconian regime

Mothers join hunger strike Today 91 families, mainly single mothers with their children, some of whom have been detained for over three months, have joined the protest. Mothers report that after 5pm their kids go hungry as there is no food available until 8am the next morning. Children can’t manage under such harsh conditions. Most …

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RAPED, TORTURED… But denied asylum by the UK Home Office

Cristel Amiss of Black Women’s Rape Action Project: ‘It’s harder for women to get asylum cases recognised Addressing how the specific persecution women face is not explicitly addressed under the UN Convention on Refugees and that makes it even harder for women to get asylum cases recognised, as reported in The Voice, July 2006. Sara …

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Rape victims denied refuge in Britain

Letter published in The Independent, 24 May 2006   Sir: The “soft targets” for deportation are first of all women and children who find it hardest to “disappear” in the system. (‘Soft targets’ picked on for deportation, say refugee campaigners”, 18 May). Just last week, a young woman was removed to an African country after …

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Government says rape victims are “not vulnerable” to deny asylum seekers legal representation

Correspondence between government Minister David Lammy and Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Women Against Rape published in The Guardian Letters page Erosion of asylum rights Monday July 12, 2004, The Guardian, Letters Rape survivors are vulnerable and find it difficult, often impossible, to speak about the violence they have suffered. The law acknowledges this, …

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