In the media: No to Police rape! No to Watkins!

Caribbean Times, July 1990 Lord Justice Watkins was given an unexpected reception as he entered courtroom six for the afternoon session in the High Court last week. Six women held up the banner stating “Sack Judge Watkins for covering up police rape”. Lord Watkins left the room until they were ejected.

In the media: PC freed after appeal judges overturn rape conviction

Three appeal court judges freed a police constable who raped As reported in The Guardian July 1990, PC Anderson was freed on the grounds that the original trial judge had said nothing in his summing up about the officer’s previous good character.

Article: Police rapist gets seven years

Article: Police rapist gets seven years October 12, PC Peter Anderson was found guilty of raping a young Black woman in Surrey whilst on duty. Anderson, relying on racist, sexist stereotypes to mislead the jury claimed that the woman had handed him ‘sex on a plate.’

Book review: London inquiry into rape – Dismissing the “myth of the dark stranger.”

Book review : London inquiry into rape – Dismissing the “myth of the dark stranger.” Ask Any Woman is the first major survey into rape in Britain. It shows a staggering level of rape and sexual assault – in the street, on public transport, at home, on housing estates, rape in marriage, rape and assault …

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The Leveller: Making WAR on rape

Making WAR on rape Rape in Marriage should be made a crime. That is the provisional recommendation of the Criminal Law Revision Committee, and is something which Women Against Rape have been campaigning about for more than five years…