In the media: Brilliant, says wife
In the media: Brilliant, says wife as rapist husband gets five years The first husband in England to be found guilty of raping his wife was jailed, as reported in the Daily Mail in March 1991.
In the media: Brilliant, says wife as rapist husband gets five years The first husband in England to be found guilty of raping his wife was jailed, as reported in the Daily Mail in March 1991.
Historic ruling as judges say husbands can be guilty of rape The centuries old English legal principle that a man cannot be guilty of raping his wife was finally swept aside in the Court of Appeal, as reported in the Evening Standard, March 1991.
In the media: The Rapist who pays the rent Women Against Rape react to the Law Commission’s recommendation that rape in marriage should be criminalised. New Law Journal outlines the story in November, 1990.
In the media: Legal history was made as a man was jailed for attempting to raping his wife This case breaks new ground in the law of rape – as reported in The Independent, July 1990.
Caribbean Times, July 1990 Lord Justice Watkins was given an unexpected reception as he entered courtroom six for the afternoon session in the High Court last week. Six women held up the banner stating “Sack Judge Watkins for covering up police rape”. Lord Watkins left the room until they were ejected.
Three appeal court judges freed a police constable who raped As reported in The Guardian July 1990, PC Anderson was freed on the grounds that the original trial judge had said nothing in his summing up about the officer’s previous good character.
Home office agrees to compensate women who have a child as a result of rape A tremendous victory reported in the Caribbean Times, March 1990. WAR have fought for 13 years for this measure…
Press release: highlighting the vulnerability that prostitute women and wives share On Thursday 21 December, St Albans Crown Court will sentence Victor Powell, found guilty of abducting and raping a prostitute woman. The English Collective of Prostitutes and Women Against Rape will hold a vigil outside the court, together with and in support of Powell’s …
Article: Police rapist gets seven years October 12, PC Peter Anderson was found guilty of raping a young Black woman in Surrey whilst on duty. Anderson, relying on racist, sexist stereotypes to mislead the jury claimed that the woman had handed him ‘sex on a plate.’
New Law Journal, July 1989 In February this year, Claire Glasman of Women Against Rape reports on the findings of her visit to Grendon Underwood Prison to meet men serving sentences for sexual offences.