Statement: Erioth Mwesigwa released from detention, but still fighting for the right to stay

We, the All African Women’s Group, send thanks from the bottom of our hearts for all the support you gave to our precious sister Erioth Mwesigwa. Erioth is a 58-year-old woman from Uganda who suffered multiple rape by soldiers in Uganda. She was persecuted because her husband was suspected of opposing the President. Her husband, …

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Briefing: Oppose proposal to make men accused of rape anonymous

Why we oppose proposals to make people accused of rape anonymous Women Against Rape Briefing to Parliament (amendment to Policing and Crime Bill – Lords Report Stage 7/12 Dec 2016) Following the closure of several investigations into allegations of sexual violence by celebrities and VIPs, there has been another media frenzy and lobby of Parliament …

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In the media: High court rules in favour of rape victim who retracted accusation under duress

Woman known as Sarah has compensation increased after she made allegation against husband before changing her mind, under pressure from him. Lisa Longstaff from Women Against Rape (War), which made written submissions to the judge, said: “Sarah finally got some justice! CICA rules are applied in a sexist and uncompassionate way, and War is one …

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Evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee on Prostitution

Evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee on Prostitution Submission to the Home Affairs Select Committee on Prostitution   1) ‘Whether criminal sanction in relation to prostitution should continue to fall more heavily on those who sell sex, rather than those who buy it.’ Criminal sanction should not fall on either seller or buyer. We …

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Event: International week of actions to close detention centres

Protest and Speak Out “THIS IS A PRISON NOT A HOLIDAY CAMP” International week of actions to close detention centres 15 – 21 June 2015, 12 noon to 2pm: Parliament Square, nearest tube Westminster. CLOSE YARL’S WOOD AND ALL DETENTION CENTRES! Detention without limit – Rape by guards – No healthcare – Mothers separated from their kids – Fast Track decisions …

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In the media: Rape victim falsely accused of lying by police wins £20,000 payout

Rape victim falsely accused of lying by police wins £20,000 payout Police admit wrongly arresting woman assaulted at age 17, but mother criticises force for leaving her daughter traumatized Sandra Laville The Guardian Friday 22 May 2015 A rape victim falsely accused of lying by detectives has won £20,000 in damages after suing police under …

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Child Rape in Rotherham: Questions rape survivors, parents and the general public want answers to

Child rape in Rotherham questions rape survivors parents and the general public want answers to Submitted to the Home Affairs Committee on 9 September 2014. We have received no substantial reply so far. The Report by Dr Alexis Jay issued in August 2014, raises more questions than it answers. Unless these questions are asked and …

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Evidence to Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women

Evidence to Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women  We believe the UK government is flouting its obligations under CEDAW, and future obligations under the Istanbul Convention in relation to Violence Against Women. 1. Refusal to prosecute rapists including violent partners “In the 12 months to March 2013 there were about 10,000 recorded …

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