In the media: The benefit cap is supporting state child abuse

The benefit cap is supporting state child abuse See WAR’s article by Lisa Longstaff The Guardian, Jan 2014, which connects benefit cuts with domestic violence and the state taking children from mothers. As a family brings a legal challenge to the £500 limit, the treatment of mothers in violent relationships is brought into sharp relief.

In the media: High court rules in favour of rape victim who retracted accusation under duress

Woman known as Sarah has compensation increased after she made allegation against husband before changing her mind, under pressure from him. Lisa Longstaff from Women Against Rape (War), which made written submissions to the judge, said: “Sarah finally got some justice! CICA rules are applied in a sexist and uncompassionate way, and War is one …

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House of Commons event “Jail rapists not rape victims”,  2 December 2014 Women and families affected by biased rape investigations were joined by supporters in the House of Commons on Tuesday 2nd December to discuss the campaign, led by Women Against Rape (WAR) and Black Women’s Rape Action Project (BWRAP), against the prosecution and imprisonment …

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Police pay compensation in precedent rape claim

PRESS RELEASE A landmark civil suit was settled on recently with the Metropolitan police paying £15,000 damages to a woman whose rape when she was 15 was badly mishandled by a police Sapphire Team in Southwark, London. With the scandals in the news of scores of girls raped over years in Rochdale, Rotherham and by …

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Former Met police officer admits failing to investigate rape cases

Former Met office admits failing to investigate rape cases Ryan Coleman-Farrow faked police reports, failed to pass on evidence and falsely claimed to have interviewed suspectsShare 150 Sandra Laville, crime, Wednesday 12 September 2012 14.51 BST An investigator from the Metropolitan police specialist sex crimes unit has admitted failing to investigate the alleged rapes …

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In the media: Should Julian Assange be extradited?

Oliver Laughland, Series: The conversation Friday 24 August 2012 20.59 BST Should Julian Assange be extradited? The author, critic and playwright Bonnie Greer and Lisa Longstaff, from the advocacy group Women Against Rape, debate the fate of the WikiLeaks boss Bonnie Greer and Lisa Longstaff. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian As the diplomatic crisis over Julian Assange intensifies …

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In the media: We are Women Against Rape but we do not want Julian Assange extradited

We are Women Against Rape but we do not want Julian Assange extradited For decades we have campaigned to get rapists caught, charged and convicted. But the pursuit of Assange is political Katrin Axelsson and Lisa Longstaff The Guardian, Thursday 23 August 2012 When Julian Assange was first arrested, we were struck by the unusual …

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