> Video highlight: David Carrick trial
On 6 and 7th February 2023 together with Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike, we held a lively protest outside the sentencing hearing of David Carrick, former Met police officer, a prolific serial rapist, domestic abuser and torturer of women. Read more here.
> Some of our past campaigns and videos:
Asylum from rape: Faith from All African Women's Group describes why the Nationality & Borders Bill will stop victims, who are too traumatised to report rape, from claiming asylum - counteracting the lies perpetrated by the then Home Secretary, Priti Patel, who dishonestly claimed that the bill was needed to protect women and children from men jumping the asylum queue.
Child Q: Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here.
Domestic Abuse Bill: recognise that domestic abuse victims are mostly women; provide vital resources so women and children can escape; extend all protections and resources to immigrant women and women with disabilities. As a member of the Support Not Separation coalition we lobbied for the Bill to prevent family courts enabling violent fathers to abuse mothers and children.
Free the Truth and Free Julian Assange: Lisa Longstaff speaks for of Women Against Rape about the weaponising of sexual offenses allegations by governments intent on covering up their war crimes -including rape and torture
Hookers against Hardship: Hodo, from WAR speaks at the launch of Hookers Against Hardship, 25 November 2022
Police, Crime, Sentencing and the Courts: Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here. Introduction text here.

Previous Archive highlight
What Are You Doing? In 1999 WAR worked with a team at GGT Advertising who made this short film. Another ad company TBWA arranged that it was shown among adverts for coffee etc, with Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut on the big screen at Warner Brothers cinema in Leicester Square. WAR volunteers gave out cards as the audience came out.