Women with disabilities picket Lambeth Council

28 April 1987

Women with disabilities picket Lambeth Council On Tuesday 28 April women with disabilities picketed Lambeth Council protesting that it knowingly housed a single man opposite a rape survivor in isolated accommodation.

Statement: In fighting for justice for Jackie Berkley, we are fighting for justice for all…

8 June 1985

Statement: In fighting for justice for Jackie Berkeley we are fighting for justice for all. On 19 April, 1984, Ms Jacqueline Berkeley and three other young Black women were arrested after an alleged disturbance in Manchester. At Moss Side Police Station, Ms Berkeley was taken into a cell, script naked, racially abused and raped by …

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Book review: London inquiry into rape – Dismissing the “myth of the dark stranger.”

18 January 1985

Book review : London inquiry into rape – Dismissing the “myth of the dark stranger.” Ask Any Woman is the first major survey into rape in Britain. It shows a staggering level of rape and sexual assault – in the street, on public transport, at home, on housing estates, rape in marriage, rape and assault …

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Book launch: The Rapist Who Pays The Rent – women’s case for changing the law on rape

8 June 1984

Book launch: The Rapist Who Pays The Rent – women’s case for changing the Law on Rape. This is the handbook of the movement to make rape in marriage a crime. It also describes how rape outside marriage is dealt with by police and courts, who often support and even encourage the rapist, whether he’s …

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Parliament considers: Rape in Marriage. A Public Meeting

4 May 1983

Parliament considers Rape in Marriage, WAR public meeting “Most people agree that marriage should be an equal relationship. How can there be equality when one partner is legally entitled to rape the other? Instead the law says that in marriage, the man is the boss and the women is his property.”

Press Release: John Tilley MP presents in parliament regarding rape in marriage.

25 March 1983

Press release: John Tilley MP presents a 10 Minute Rule Bill on rape in marriage.  The first parliamentary bill in response to the growing movement against rape in marriage in Britain.

Statement: Racism is Rapism

10 November 1982

Racism is Rapism In organising against rape, we have seen too often how the law works against women’s safety. The immigration laws are a prime example…  

Press release: Victory for Esme Baker

25 October 1982

Today at Walthamstow Magistrates Court Mrs Esme Baker, a West Indian women, and her two sons were found not guilty of assault, threatening behaviour and obstructing the Police, which was a victory in the campaign against rape and violence.

Stop the threatened deportation of Najat Chafee

5 May 1982

Stop the threatened deportation of Najat Chafee Letter of support to the Home Office.

The Leveller: Making WAR on rape

9 January 1982

Making WAR on rape Rape in Marriage should be made a crime. That is the provisional recommendation of the Criminal Law Revision Committee, and is something which Women Against Rape have been campaigning about for more than five years…

Against our selves: why Women Against Rape couldn’t join a march through Soho.

14 February 1981

Against ourselves: Why Women Against Rape couldn’t join a march through Soho… Whose Night? Women Against Rape, the English Collective of Prostitutes and the Wages for Housework Campaign were unable to take part in the Nation Union of Student’s Reclaim the Night march in February 1981 and were forced to leave a planning meeting for …

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Cutback on rights – passport to rape

7 April 1979

Cutback on rights – passport to rape The new immigration proposals attach every women. The racism that Black and immigrant women (Black or white) already face stems directly from one government after another saying: “you are not welcome, don’t expect any rights.”  AND THEY MEAN IT…

Women at W.A.R

1 April 1978

Women at W.A.R. Our first publication presents personal stories.  If you really want to know about rape, read this. For the first time print, women in Britain tell of the rape they have experienced – and what they are doing to stop it.  

Summons to a Public Trial 

12 October 1977

Drawn leaflet complied by Women Against Rape calling all women to try the Judges. Summoning on charges of rape, conspiracy to rape and perpetrate violence against women, rape of justice and trespass against our bodies and our rights.

Article: When rape, like charity begins at home

15 August 1977

After publication of an article in the Guardian, a group of Women Against Rape campaign burned a copy of the issue outside the Guardian offices…