In the media: Faiza Ahmed pleas for help went unheeded

6 February 2016

Faiza Ahmed – how one woman’s cries for help went unheeded, Guardian 6 Feb 2016

Event: International week of actions to close detention centres

29 June 2015

Protest and Speak Out “THIS IS A PRISON NOT A HOLIDAY CAMP” International week of actions to close detention centres 15 – 21 June 2015, 12 noon to 2pm: Parliament Square, nearest tube Westminster. CLOSE YARL’S WOOD AND ALL DETENTION CENTRES! Detention without limit – Rape by guards – No healthcare – Mothers separated from their kids – Fast Track decisions …

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In the media: Rape victim falsely accused of lying by police wins £20,000 payout

24 May 2015

Rape victim falsely accused of lying by police wins £20,000 payout Police admit wrongly arresting woman assaulted at age 17, but mother criticises force for leaving her daughter traumatized The Guardian Friday 22 May 2015 A rape victim falsely accused of lying by detectives has won £20,000 in damages after suing police under the Human …

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Briefing against the 2015 Immigration Bill

10 April 2015

Briefing against the 2015 Immigration Bill Opposition to the Immigration Bill continues to grow.  In February, Lord Ramsbotham called for the bill to be withdrawn or suspended to allow proper consideration of a government commissioned report. The Shaw Report made recommendations: a limit on detention; an end to the detention of pregnant women; that there be …

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14 December 2014

House of Commons event “Jail rapists not rape victims”,  2 December 2014 Women and families affected by biased rape investigations were joined by supporters in the House of Commons on Tuesday 2nd December to discuss the campaign, led by Women Against Rape (WAR) and Black Women’s Rape Action Project (BWRAP), against the prosecution and imprisonment …

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Event report: Jail Rapists not Rape Victims, meeting in House of Commons

2 December 2014

Report: Jail Rapists not Rape Victims, meeting in House of Commons   Women and families affected by biased rape investigations were joined by supporters in the House of Commons on 2 December to discuss the campaign, led by us, against the prosecution and imprisonment of rape survivors. Hosted by John McDonnell MP, the event focused …

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Child Rape in Rotherham: Questions rape survivors, parents and the general public want answers to

2 December 2014

Child rape in Rotherham questions rape survivors parents and the general public want answers to Submitted to the Home Affairs Committee on 9 September 2014. We have received no substantial reply so far. The Report by Dr Alexis Jay issued in August 2014, raises more questions than it answers. Unless these questions are asked and …

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Evidence to Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women

2 December 2014

Evidence to Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women  “In the 12 months to March 2013 there were about 10,000 recorded rapes of adults in England and Wales, and about 6,000 recorded rapes of children. “Only 1,820 (18%) of those recorded rape allegations led to a ‘sanction detection’ in which an offender was …

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Read more: key points from Dr Jay’s report

24 August 2014

A Summary of issues raised in the ‘Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997 – 2013)’ by Dr Alexis Jay, issued in August 2014. Download a pdf of the full Report here Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997 – 2013)  Good Press report in the Telegraph This striking report is a …

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Press release: protest rape and racism

26 June 2013

Press release: protest rape and racism Old Bailey, London, 26 June 2013, 10-12 noon Sentencing of the Oxford rapists Women protest both rape and racism. Police and social workers also trashed victims – will they be prosecuted? Seven men will be sentenced for 43 offences – ranging from rape and conspiracy to rape to supplying …

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Protest against rape and racism on the day of sentencing the Oxford rapists, Old Bailey, London, 26 June 2013

14 June 2013

Protest against rape and racism on the day of sentencing the Oxford rapists, Old Bailey, London Protest against rape and racism on the day of sentencing the Oxford rapists Old Bailey, London EC4M 7HS, 26 June 2013 10am-12 noon, sentencing at 11am off Ludgate Hill (nearest tube St Pauls) Tel 020 7482 2496 Seven men …

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In the media: DPP says false allegations are rare, police should do more robust investigations

13 March 2013

Why do the police deal with rape cases so badly? Lisa Longstaff in the Guardian

4 March 2013

Their record in rape cases is abysmal – and they seem to resent accountability, preferring to improve PR rather than performance Lisa Longstaff, Monday 4 March 2013 09.00 GMT Allegations of sexual violence and cover-up are threatening every institution. Can rape be dealt with when so many in authority are themselves guilty? Of course …

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Police pay compensation in precedent rape claim

14 January 2013

PRESS RELEASE A landmark civil suit was settled on recently with the Metropolitan police paying £15,000 damages to a woman whose rape when she was 15 was badly mishandled by a police Sapphire Team in Southwark, London. With the scandals in the news of scores of girls raped over years in Rochdale, Rotherham and by …

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India & UK: grassroots women demand justice

1 January 2013

India & UK: grassroots women demand justice The mass protests taking place all over India, and the international support for them, show how determined women are to end rape, and how we face similar violence and similar sexism by the authorities, wherever we are. For years our Indian sisters in Chhattisgarh have been organizing against …

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