Why Women Against Rape opposes prosecutions of women accused of making a false allegation

14 February 2011

Why we oppose prosecutions of women accused of making a false allegation False allegations for rape are extremely rare, yet they are treated as a major problem. This distracts from the true rape scandal that: 90% of rapes are never reported; up to 45% are no-crimed; the conviction rate for reported rape is 6.5 %. …

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Asylum from Rape Bulletin Winter 2010

15 December 2010

Landmark compensation for torture victim and her family. A mother and her five children have won a precedent-setting, six figure compensation award from the Home Office for abuse and injuries sustained during deportation to Uganda in 2006. Ms A was supported throughout by WAR who found legal representation through Leigh Day & Co. solicitors. During …

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Women question the unusual zeal in pursuing Julian Assange for rape allegations

8 December 2010

Women question the unusual zeal in pursuing Julian Assangefor rape allegations Many women in both Sweden and Britain will wonder at the unusual zeal with which Julian Assange is being pursued for rape allegations (Report, 8 December). Women in Sweden don’t fare better than we do in Britain when it comes to rape. Though Sweden …

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Report: Louder Than Words

29 June 2010

Report: Women’s Hunger Strike – Louder than Words When 70 women went on hunger strike in Yarl’s Wood IRC on 5 February, an unprecedented level of media coverage followed. Rape survivors, mothers separated from their children, and other vulnerable women, some of whom had been detained without trial for months (one for over a year), …

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Urgent action: End the Detention of Families

28 May 2010

Action alert: End the detention of families Dear friends, Over 80 people attended the House of Commons meeting Women’s Hunger Strike – Louder than Words (29 June 2010) which succeeded in making public how women seeking asylum are spearheading the movement against the injustice of the asylum system (and other injustices), and in gathering support for these …

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Yarl’s Wood hunger striker speaks out about abuse by guards

15 May 2010

Yarl’s Wood hunger striker speaks out about abuse by guards   Title: YW Hunger Striker Length: 2:44 minutes (3.77 MB) Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 192Kbps (CBR)  

Women speak out in Parliament against detention, deportation, privatisation and profiteering 14 January 2010

14 January 2010

Women speak out in Parliament against detention, deportation, privatisation and profiteering 14 January 2010 With recent press coverage shedding light on the devastating impact of detention on children, and the public outrage that followed, it was no surprise that a meeting on the detention of mothers and other vulnerable people in the House of Commons …

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26 December 2009

Ms B from CĂ´te d’Ivoire was granted Indefinite Leave to remain

27 August 2009

Ms S, a young Muslim woman of Arab African descent

26 August 2009

When Janipher Maseko finally won her right to remain

26 August 2009

My four children were lost in Burundi

26 August 2009

Ms O, a refugee from Nigeria fled sexual harassment by a high ranking army officer

25 August 2009

Asylum from Rape Bulletin Spring 2009

9 July 2009

Winning compensation for unlawful detention of rape survivor. Listen to Ms PB being interview on Radio 4’s “PM” program in December 2008 here. Read about her fight against the racist attacks here which she and other women suffered in a Liverpool Hostel. You may have heard about the case of Ms PB who was recently …

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Press release: Hunger strike and sit in at Yarl’s Wood detention centre.

29 June 2009

PLEASE TAKE ACTION IN SUPPORT OF THE HUNGER STRIKE AND SIT-IN AT YARL’S WOOD IMMIGRATION DETENTION CENTRE Picket SERCO Headquarters 22 Hand Court, Holborn, WC1V 6JF Friday 19 June 12.30-2pm Nearest Tubes: Holborn or Chancery Lane Women, children and men in the Family Unit at Yarl’s Wood IRC [1] are in the third day of …

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