RAPED, TORTURED… But denied asylum by the UK Home Office

12 July 2006

Cristel Amiss of Black Women’s Rape Action Project: ‘It’s harder for women to get asylum cases recognised Addressing how the specific persecution women face is not explicitly addressed under the UN Convention on Refugees and that makes it even harder for women to get asylum cases recognised, as reported in The Voice, July 2006. Sara …

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Rape victims denied refuge in Britain

24 May 2006

Letter published in The Independent, 24 May 2006   Sir: The “soft targets” for deportation are first of all women and children who find it hardest to “disappear” in the system. (‘Soft targets’ picked on for deportation, say refugee campaigners”, 18 May). Just last week, a young woman was removed to an African country after …

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Why we believe the police have lost sight of rape

17 January 2006

Why we believe the police have lost sight of rape…

Government says rape victims are “not vulnerable” to deny asylum seekers legal representation

12 July 2004

Correspondence between government Minister David Lammy and Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Women Against Rape published in The Guardian Letters page Erosion of asylum rights Monday July 12, 2004, The Guardian, Letters Rape survivors are vulnerable and find it difficult, often impossible, to speak about the violence they have suffered. The law acknowledges this, …

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Racism against asylum seekers

8 July 2004

The Guardian article below came about as a result of Legal Action for Women’s National Gathering on Saturday 3 July 2004. Kamwaura Nygothi was one of a number of women who raised the racism they were suffering in the North East of England. As a result of the article we have received many sympathetic responses, …

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To Women Legislators of the Coalition of the Willing: Neither blood nor rape for oil

12 May 2004

To Women Legislators of the Coalition of the Willing: Neither blood nor rape for oil 12 May 2004 We are writing to you, women legislators in both the UK and the US. That there are now many more women in Congress and in Parliament is due to a massive women’s movement over decades in every …

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Womens orgn wins case for rape victim

15 June 2003

Response to Refugee Council’s letter in Times

9 May 2001

Basic protection to people targeted for torture and persecution, does not go far enough. Dear Letters Editor, That three main organisations supposed to protect the human rights of asylum seekers broadly welcome Blair’s views (7 May 01) on asylum is frightening and potentially life threatening. The 1951 UN Convention on Refugees gives basic protection to …

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Rape is not a natural impulse for men

23 February 2000

Sexual History sexism still part of new rape law

13 July 1999

The defence should not able to question victims on their sexual history…

In the media: Evidence of sexual history

11 December 1998

New Law Journal: why there should be a ban of the use of evidence on a women’s sexual history Parliament should stop endorsing judges’ sexism which exposes victims to questions about sex with men other than the defendant – and understand that this kind of action is, in fact, a second rape.  

Statement: Dispatches Racism – A danger to all women.

23 November 1998

BWRAP speak out against the racist BBC programme. Dispatches promoted racist stereotypes with the dangerous lie that most gang rape is committed by Black boys. This leaves Black women even more vulnerable to rape.

In the media: What black viewers think

19 November 1998

In the Guardian, an article responding to Dispatches programme. This documentary has demonised young black men – stereotyping them as sexual attackers and the effects of such racism is profound.

In the media: “they said i asked for it” special report in Bella.

29 September 1998

He’s the rapist, she’s the victim. Bella article asks the question – So how come every little detail about her lifestyle is used to make the women look like the criminal??

Statement: on Violence Against Women at the UN CSW.

5 March 1998

Lisa Longstaff from Women Against Rape urges the governments of UN to take action. Outlining and proposing a proper standard of services and resources required to support all survivors of rape and sexual violence.