I’m a rape survivor from Rwanda

14 May 2009

Rape survivor from Rwanda in brave fight to help others  Stella Mpaka, of Women Against Rape, is now helping others to overcome their personal nightmares. Your article (Camden group’s battle to prioritise a heinous crime, H&H April 2) showed some of Women Against Rape’s (WAR) ground breaking work winning justice for rape survivors. I can …

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BWRAP letter to the police, fighting for justice with Ms PB.

28 November 2008

Letter to police, fighting for justice for Ms PB Black Women’s Rape Action Project informs the police about the racially motivated arson attack  of Ms PB.

28 June 2008

Ms L wins £11,000 at Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority appeal A rape survivor who was unable to give a full statement to the police applied for compensation three years later, fought an initial refusal – and won! Facts Ms L was attacked in May 2001, by a stranger. She has no memory from the middle …

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Women inside Yarl’s Wood IRC demand an end to brutal treatment by Serco, 8 May 2008

13 May 2008

Women inside Yarl’s Wood IRC demand an end to brutal treatment by Serco DEMANDS FOLLOWING SERCO’S INVITATION TO VISIT YARL’S WOOD REMOVAL CENTRE ISSUED AT THEIR AGM, 13 May 2008 1. Many women in detention have suffered rape and other torture. According to the Immigration Services Operational Manual (Third EDN) if someone reports being a …

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10 March 2008

From Ms PB who won £38 000 in compensation for unlawful detention, March 2008. “I have been granted leave to remain in the UK.  I can not express my appreciation to Women Against Rape who played a vital role to make this day come true. They called me almost every week while I was in …

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Asylum from Rape Bulletin: Summer 2008

5 March 2008

Women reunited with their children 5 March was one of the happiest occasions of this past year for many of us.  Betty A, a longstanding and much loved volunteer was reunited with the four children whom she was forced to leave behind when she fled Uganda.  The full and heart-rending story is still to be told …

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Janipher Maseko fled Uganda after her mother died and she was raped by armed rebels.

27 November 2007

She was 13 when she arrived in the UK. She was looking for a place of safety. This is what she found The Guardian, Saturday 24 November 2007 I came to this country five years ago, a desperate young teenager, alone, in search of help and safety. The last thing I expected was that I …

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Asylum From Rape Bulletin – Summer 2007

17 July 2007

Misjudging Asylum, Rape and Detention – 17 July 2007 John Mc Donnell MP and Lord Avebury hosted a packed meeting in the House of Commons which brought together women asylum seekers, MPs, Lords, lawyers, community and breastfeeding activists and other supporters to highlight the obstacles rape survivors face in getting their claims recognized. WAR’s speaker …

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Stop the threatened removal of Janipher Maseko, breastfeeding mother with two babies

29 May 2007

Update: Following a wave of public outrage against the Home Office, social services and SERCO Ms Janipher Maseko, was told that she and her children are to be released. Ms Janipher Maseko, aged 18, who had fled rape and violence in Uganda and sought asylum in the UK four years ago as an unaccompanied minor, …

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Women in Yarl’s Wood Removal Centre on hunger strike protesting against SERCO’s draconian regime

9 May 2007

Mothers join hunger strike Today 91 families, mainly single mothers with their children, some of whom have been detained for over three months, have joined the protest. Mothers report that after 5pm their kids go hungry as there is no food available until 8am the next morning. Children can’t manage under such harsh conditions. Most …

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Misjudging Rape – Breaching Gender Guidelines & International Law in Asylum Appeals

18 November 2006

RESEARCH: Misjudging Rape – Breaching Gender Guidelines & International Law in Asylum Appeals Black Women’s Rape Action Project & Women Against Rape’s research documents the discrimination and hostility women seeking asylum from rape face.  Over 70% of the women claiming asylum in the UK are rape survivors.  Many face severe obstacles at every stage of …

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Asylum From Rape Bulletin October/November 2006

15 October 2006

Asylum From Rape Bulletin October/November 2006

Victims of rape and other torture win against unlawful detention and removal

7 October 2006

‘Don’t you want to know why I’m bleeding?’

6 August 2006

‘Don’t you want to know why I’m bleeding?’ An assault by a white neighbour on a Muslim woman in London has shown just how difficult it can be for victims of alleged racist attacks to prise open the doors of justice. Laura Smith reports Bilan Mohamud shows the injuries inflicted on her by a neighbour …

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Asylum from rape bulletin, 2006

15 July 2006

New publication, information sheet, self help sessions and success stories.